• Finding My Place: One Girl's Strength at Vicksburg

Thirteen-year-old Anna Green can hardly remember life before the War Between the States touched her hometown of Vicksburg, Mississippi. For 47 days in May, June, and July 1863, the Union army bombs Vicksburg day and night, attempting to overtake the city. Anna longs for the days before Yankee bombs screeched above her, before her family was torn apart, and before they moved to a dark, damp cave to protect themselves from falling shells. During one terrible bombing, a tragedy strikes Anna and her siblings and changes their lives forever. Can Anna find the strength to keep her family together in the midst of war?

Finding My Place recounts the destitute living conditions and the horror of a city under siege, the strength of the citizens who would not surrender, and the courage of an intelligent young girl.

Author Margo L. Dill
Pages 202
Images 0
Maps 0
Educational Resources Yes
Bibliography No
Index No

Finding My Place: One Girl's Strength at Vicksburg

Margo L. Dill

Educational Resources IncludedEducational Resources Included
This title contains material for teachers and the classroom.

  • $8.95

Tags: 9781572494084, Margo L. Dill